Numerology in Tarot

Have you ever needed an added boost in energy to your tarot readings? Is like there’s a deeper layer of meaning waiting to be uncovered? Well, get ready to unlock a whole new dimension of understanding with numerology in tarot!

Think of tarot numbers as secret codes that add depth and richness to your readings. Each card in the Major and Minor Arcana vibrates with a unique numerical energy, and by understanding these number meanings in tarot, you can gain incredible insights into your life’s journey.

Whether you’re a seasoned tarot reader or just starting out, numerology and tarot can be your new best friends. Learning about tarot card number meanings can help you connect with your intuition on a deeper level and see your readings in a whole new light. So, are you ready to see what the numbers in tarot meaning have to say about your life? Let’s get started!

The Basics of Tarot Numbers

The Basics of Tarot Numbers

Okay, so let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of numbers in tarot! Numerology tarot helps us understand the “order” of the universe and how it shows up in your tarot readings.

Each number from 1 to 10 carries a special vibe, and these vibes influence the tarot card number meanings. Think of it like this:

  • 1: Leadership (like The Magician card!), new beginnings, independence.
  • 2: Partnerships, balance, duality ( The High Priestess).
  • 3: Like The Empress, it’s about creativity, self expression and joy.
  • 4: An Emperor like: structure, stability & foundations.
  • 5: Like The Hierophant, change, freedom, adventure.
  • 6: They are Love, harmony, relationships (such as The Lovers)
  • 7: The Chariot is actually an example of spirituality, introspection, and inner wisdom.
  • 8: Power (or abundance or success, like Strength).
  • 9: Wisdom, completion, spiritual growth, like The Hermit.
  • 10: New beginnings, cycles, potential, like the Wheel of Fortune

And how does that work in the cards as well? As an example, let’s say we’ll use the Minor Arcana. Each suit (Cups, Swords, Wands and Pentacles) has 1 to 10 cards. By understanding the number meanings in tarot, you can add another layer of interpretation to your readings. For example: the Five of Cups could indicate sadness, loss (Five = change, Cups = emotions), and the Ten of Wands, but feeling burdened, overwhelmed (Ten = cycles, Wands = action).

See? Sometimes you just can’t help but feel like you have a secret decoder ring for your tarot deck! By combining your intuition with the tarot numbers meaning, you can get super clear and insightful readings. 

Master Numbers and Their Impact

Master Numbers and Their Impact

Time to hold on tight to your hat, because we’re now going into the realm of Master Numbers. In numerology tarot, these special numbers—like 11, 22, and 33—carry extra powerful energy and signify a supercharged potential for growth and transformation.

Think of them as the VIPs of the tarot numbers world. They’re like the regular tarot number meanings but amplified! Take 11 as an example, which means heightened intuition and spiritual insight, 22 is the number of power to manifest big dreams, and 33 is about unconditional love and mystical mastery.

Therefore, where do these Master Numbers show up in your tarot deck? The Major Arcana is where you’ll find them. For example:

  • The Fool (0 or 22): The Fool symbolizes new beginnings and taking faith in a higher power.
  • Justice (11): It is about being just, being fair, having balance and choosing based on decision.

If you see a Master Number in your reading, then listen up! It’s a little way of the universe to tell you something big. These numbers always tend to imply that you are dealing with strong energies and you may be capable of getting huge gains. By understanding the tarot card numbers and meanings, especially these Master Numbers, you can gain a deeper understanding of the forces at play in your life and how to best navigate them.

How to Use Numerology in Your Tarot Readings

How to Use Numerology in Your Tarot Readings

Alright, ready to put this numerology tarot wisdom into action? Here’s how to spice up your tarot readings with a dash of number magic:

First, as you shuffle and draw your cards, pay close attention to any repeating tarot numbers. Do you keep seeing 4s pop up? Perhaps you’re getting a whole lotta 8s. These are just little whispers from the universe, repeating numbers hinting at more clues to the situation. Remember those tarot number meanings we talked about? They can be used to help you decipher those whispers!

Next, take a peek at the numbers in tarot meaning within a spread. With a three card spread and you get the Empress (3), Lovers (6), and Wheel of Fortune (10), for example. Consider how those numbers are connected to one another now. Are they all odd numbers? Is that an amount that can make a difference? These numerical connections can take a deeper road into your reading.

Another fun trick? Use your life path number! It’s easy to calculate (just Google it), and it makes your readings a bit more personal. Perhaps the Chariot (7) when pulled while your life path number 5 indicates that you want to be free and adventurous on your current path.

Finally, don’t overthink it! Numerology and tarot should enhance your intuition, not replace it. Give your gut a chance to talk and let the numbers help you get to the root of it. The more you play with tarot card numerology, the more comfortable you’ll become with weaving it into your readings.

Examples of Numerology in Popular Tarot Spreads

Examples of Numerology in Popular Tarot Spreads

So, let’s have a look at how numbers broaden our understanding of some favorite tarot spreads.

The Celtic Cross is one of the most loved spreads. There are 10 cards, each meaning and numerical significance. Take for example the first card is about the present and the tenth card symbolizes the conclusion. By paying attention to the tarot card numbers and meanings in each position, you can get a clearer picture of the situation’s overall energy and potential trajectory.

One of the most popular spreads is the Horseshoe spread and many use 7 cards in there. Here, the numbers in tarot can reveal a story unfolding over time. These might be first card past, fourth card present and the seventh card future. See how the tarot numbers create a timeline?

Even a simple three-card spread can benefit from tarot card numerology. For just an example, you take the Magician (1), the High Priestess (2), and the Empress (3). The numbers 1, 2, 3 this suggest a great entry into creation and manifestation. Cool, right?

Numerology in the Major Arcana

Numerology in the Major Arcana

Let’s walk down the Major Arcana lane. These are the big players in your tarot deck, every card being a big deal, a key player, a major life lesson, an archetype, or a stage of spiritual growth. And guess what? Numerology tarot adds another layer of depth to these powerful cards!

Each Major Arcana card is assigned a number from 0 to 21, and these tarot numbers aren’t just random. They tell a story! It is like a trip of self discovery from The Fool to The World where 0 is the first trump.

0, or The Fool, stands for the pure version of the potential and the beginning of a journey. But he loves being that guy who takes that first step into the unknown with wonder and hope. The World (21) is at the other end of the spectrum with such ideas of fulfillment, completion and wholeness. You have come full circle!

But there’s more fun to be had. Check out these Major Arcana cards and their numerical connections:

  • The Magician (1): He’s all about manifestation and doing. New beginnings and creating your reality is the number 1.
  • The High Priestess (2): Intuition, inner wisdom is her. The number 2 indicates duality, balance, and it’s the need to listen to your inner voice.
  • The Empress (3): She represents abundance, creativity and nurturing. The rationale behind the number 3 is self expression and embracing your feminine power.
  • The Emperor (4): Structure, stability, and authority’ is what he stands for. The number 4 hints that to go far we need boundaries, the need to take charge is obvious.
  • The Hierophant (5): He is a symbol of tradition, spirituality, search of knowledge. Number 5 indicates to you a need for change and the search for more meaning in your life.
  • The Lovers (6): This is a card of love, partnerships and also of important choices. Harmony, union and commitment are noted by number 6.
  • The Chariot (7): The meaning of this card is to symbolize will power, determination and the ability to overcome challenges. The number 7 tells us we might need inner strength and control.
  • Strength (8): It is courage, compassion, inner strength. Number 8 is telling us to use our power righteously and gracefully.
  • The Hermit (9): He is an instance of introspection, solitude, and exploration of inner wisdom. Number 9 is the number of self reflection and spiritual growth.
  • Wheel of Fortune (10): Cycles, fate, and surprise twist fate! This is what the meaning of this card is. In the number-10, there are new beginnings and a period when things can change.

See how the numbers in tarot meaning add depth to the Major Arcana? When you can understand these numerical vibrations, you are able to begin to see just how they influence your life, just who these powerful archetypes are, and why you are walking that path in your life. The next time you see a Major Arcana card, spend some time reflecting on it’s number. It might just hold the key to unlocking a whole new level of understanding in your tarot and numerology practice!

Numerology in the Minor Arcana

Numerology in the Minor Arcana

Let’s go to the Minor Arcana now. The ups and down of each and every day, like where you work, your relationships, even your emotions. And you guessed it, numerology tarot can give you extra juicy insights here too!

The cards of the Minor Arcana—Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles, each numbered Ace through Ten—make up each suit. These tarot numbers add a whole new dimension to the card meanings, just like adding sprinkles to your ice cream! Here’s the scoop:

  • Wands (Action, Passion): The Two of Wands (2 = duality) is thinking about which way to go. The Ten of Wands (10 = cycles) possibly telling you that you’re feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities.
  • Cups (Emotions, Relationships): The sadness or loss suggested by the Five of Cups (5 = change) is frequently contrasted with the often full cups on the Nine of Cups (9 = fulfillment).
  • Swords (Thoughts, Challenges): Heartbreak or negative communication may indicate The Three of Swords (3 = creativity) and breakthroughs or new ideas can be represented by The Ace of Swords (1 = new beginnings).
  • Pentacles (Material World, Finances): The Four of Pentacles (stability) could be interpreted to mean hanging onto resources while the Eight of Pentacles (abundance) describes commitment and learning something really well.

See how the number meanings in tarot give you a deeper understanding of these everyday situations? Imagine having a cheat sheet for life! By combining the traditional card meanings with the tarot numbers meaning, you can gain a clearer perspective on your challenges, opportunities, and emotions.

Life Path Numbers and Tarot Cards

Life Path Numbers and Tarot Cards

Life path number is your personal numerological code, giving you your strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately your life purpose. And guess what? You can connect it to your Tarot practice!

The process of calculating your life path number is super simple. To sum all of the digits in your birthdate until you get a single digit, except Master Numbers 11,22 and 33. For example, if your birthday is July 17, 1992, you’d calculate it like this: 7 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 36. Then, 3 + 6 = 9. So, according to your life path number would be 9.

Now, here comes the fun part: So you can connect it to your tarot readings! There is one Major Arcana card for each life path number, providing information about your personality and the path your life takes.

  • Life Path 1: The Magician – You’re a natural leader, creative, and independent.
  • Life Path 2: The High Priestess – You’re intuitive, sensitive, and diplomatic.
  • Life Path 3: The Empress – expressive, nurturing, joyful side for you.
  • Life Path 4: The Emperor – You’re practical, organized and responsible
  • Life Path 5: The Hierophant – You’re adventurous, freedom loving and knowledge seeking.
  • Life Path 6: The Lovers – You’re loving, harmonious, and romantic.
  • Life Path 7: The Chariot – You’re determined, focused, and driven.
  • Life Path 8: Strength – Courageous, compassion and power – These are the words that best describe you.
  • Life Path 9: The Hermit – You’re wise, introspective, and spiritual.
  • Life Path 11: Justice – Idealistic and fair minded.
  • Life Path 22: The Fool – You’re visionary and inspiring, and a big dreamer.

If your life path card is appearing in a reading, pay attention! Often it will represent your current energy state or a major theme in your life. In our example, if you have a Life Path 5 and you pull Hierophant it may be telling you you want more freedom or are looking for deeper meaning.

By understanding the connection between your life path number and the tarot card numerology, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your journey. Like having a built in personal guide to help you navigate the twists and turns of life!

How To Use Numerology for Personal Growth

How To Use Numerology for Personal Growth

Your life path number can be thought of as your soul’s GPS, using it to point the way towards your highest potential. By understanding the tarot number meanings associated with your life path, you can gain valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and life purpose. The more that you know about this — the more power it gives you to choose to have your authentic self.

For example, your life path number being an 8 (Strength) means you may find yourself naturally drawn to positions of leadership and you may know how to feel right from wrong. In a reading where Strength may come up, it may be a prompt to fire it up (and fire up your inner power and courage). And if you’re a Life Path 2 (The High Priestess), you might be highly intuitive and want or need to make room for solitude and reflection. The High Priestess in your reading may be telling you to trust your inner voice.

Ophelia Kai
Ophelia Kai

I’m Ophelia Kai, a spiritual guide blending my Catholic faith with witchcraft. With over 30 years of experience, I specialize in Tarot, crystal viewing, herbal healing, and more. My work focuses on love, oneness, and helping others find clarity and healing through spiritual insight.

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