Oracle Cards vs Tarot Cards

Have you ever had a feeling that you want to be called by the unknown, to feel that somebody wants to guide you in life? It might just be what you need for card divination in this case. While using oracle cards, you get a different approach as opposed to the one you get when using a tarot card. But what defines the difference between oracle cards and tarot cards? And, most important, how do you know your choice is the right one to go for?

In this article, let us enlighten you on the basic difference between oracle and tarot cards. This time, we will contrast Oracle cards with Tarot highlighting structures and how messages are conveyed. To properly get what is best for you in a deck, then it is good to differentiate between tarot cards and oracle cards. 

What are Tarot Cards?

Tarot Cards

We should start by familiarizing ourselves with tarot cards a little better first. In essence, a deck of tarot contains 78 different “images” – or cards. These cards are divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.

The 22-card Major Arcana is the picture of our life. Such cards often signify important aspects of a person’s life, changes or crossroads and spiritual messages. The Minor Arcana, which has fifty six cards forming four suits, is currently explaining common events of our existence such as the relationships, job, and feelings.

Every card in the tarot is unique and therefore the Empress means something different than the Five of Cups or the Ten of Pentacles. While placing these cards in a spread it becomes easier for us to comprehend how these related cards are and what the answers to our questions might be. But how is this different from an oracle deck vs tarot? We’ll get to that soon!

What are Oracle Cards?

Oracle Cards

Well, now it’s time to consider the wonderful world of Oracle cards! Perhaps the largest difference that should be pointed out, when comparing oracle cards vs. tarot, is the fact that they are versatile. Oracle decks on the other hand are different from tarot in terms of the number of cards, and the subject matter they come with.

Oracle cards can be described as your little advisor or your subtle inner voice guiding you through the way. Every oracle deck is distinct from the other and from tarot in terms of its character and approach to sharing information. Some decks can be based on angels, fairies or animals, others can be based on affirmations or inspiring words. This makes them perfect for new readers because you can select a deck that is truly special to you. Due to the large number of possibilities between oracle cards and tarot they can be very easy to use. 

Key Differences Between Oracle and Tarot Cards

At this point you probably have a fair idea of how oracle and tarot cards compare. But before going any further let’s discuss some deeper details that would help differentiate between oracle and tarot cards. Here’s how you can make them side by side:

As you can gather, the main differentiation between tarot and oracle is how they’re used. In general, the use of Tarot and oracle cards has its advantages for selecting. Tarot can be considered as belonging to a detailed analysis of a situation, and oracle vs tarot cards are ideal for receiving a message or a piece of advice for the day. Finally, it is up to you to decide which one you like most, and what kind of reading you want to have. Therefore, whether one is interested in the absolute orderliness in the Tarot card system compared to the Oracle card system, there’ll definitely be a deck that has a domain over you out there!

When to Use Tarot Cards

Thus, in which situations is it useful to read tarot cards? It’s like having a wise teacher /friend/ advisor who travels with you through life’s moment by moment journeys. If you have a question for which a complex layered answer might suffice tarot cards might come in handy.

The framework of using tarot cards to predict a situation as opposed to using oracle cards is helpful in analyzing a situation better. Since each card has particular significance and depends on the surrounding cards in a spread, it becomes easier to understand unique difficulties and potentialities.

If you like a clear hierarchy and like doing work that has been done for thousands of years you will like working with tarot. In its basic form, it is really helpful if you want to look past the basic answers and get to the bottom of the “why”. Therefore, if you have a difficult problem or need a deep insight, try tarot cards!

When to Use Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are like that encouraging friend or that subtle reminder. They shine where you’ve got to make an instant call or you want to pass on a word of cheer.

Where tarot overpowers, oracle cards vs. give remedy for stagnation in life or indecision making process. Their messages are clear and not ambiguous most of the time which is good for those questions where you just want a simple answer.

New to card divination, oracle cards are a delightful way to start. Oracle is less complex than Tarot because it is not as heavy on symbolism and no one needs to be an expert to be able to use them. It assists you in linking to your inner knowing and getting a response in the most comfortable manner.

Can You Use Both?

So, you may begin to think, “Well, must I choose only one”? The answer is no! Good news! There is no law against using both tarot and oracle cards at any given time. However, they can also complement one another and represent a great, balanced approach at that.

Think of it this way: the use of tarot vs oracle cards works perfectly fine. While Tarot can give the well-architected structure and the broader view of the situation or a person in addition to complex messages, Oracle cards can give those shots of inspiration and encouragement to continue each day.

In general, you may draw three or four tarot cards for the purpose of learning more about the energy related to a certain situation, such as choosing a career. Then, there could be a message of a word of encouragement from an oracle card you drew while proceeding.

Lastly, as to whether tarot cards are used in lieu of or in conjunction with oracle cards, or vice versa, the choice is yours! That is, the beauty of card divination is the fact that it is an unassociated form of divination. Therefore, do not hesitate trying various decks and find out with which one you will feel most comfortable.


What’s the difference between oracle and tarot cards?

The main difference between oracle and tarot cards is structure.  Tarot vs. oracle cards have a fixed structure of 78 cards with Major and Minor Arcana, while oracle decks vs. tarot can vary greatly in the number of cards and themes.  This makes tarot vs. oracle readings generally more in-depth, while oracle vs. tarot readings offer simpler, more direct messages.

Are oracle cards the same as tarot cards?

No, oracle cards and tarot cards are not the same. While they both offer guidance and insights, they differ in structure and how they deliver messages.  Oracle cards vs. tarot are more free-flowing and intuitive, while tarot vs. oracle follows a specific system.

What is the difference between oracle and tarot cards?

The difference between oracle and tarot lies in their structure and interpretation. Tarot cards vs. oracle cards have a fixed structure and require more in-depth interpretation, while oracle cards vs. tarot are more flexible and offer more intuitive guidance.

When should I use tarot cards vs. oracle cards?

Choose tarot vs. oracle cards when you want an in-depth reading with layers of interpretation, such as exploring a complex situation.  Choose oracle vs. tarot cards when you want a quick answer, daily guidance, or a simple message of inspiration.

Can I use both oracle cards and tarot cards together?

Absolutely!  Combining tarot and oracle cards can provide a well-rounded reading.  For example, use tarot vs. oracle to explore a situation in detail, then pull an oracle vs. tarot card for a summarizing message or affirmation.

What’s the difference between an oracle reading vs. tarot?

An oracle reading vs. tarot will generally be more focused on intuitive messages and affirmations, while a tarot vs. oracle reading will delve deeper into the symbolism and interconnectedness of the cards.

Which type of card is better for beginners?

Both can be great for beginners!  Oracle cards vs. tarot might be easier to start with due to their simpler, more direct messages. However, if the structure of tarot vs. oracle appeals to you, don’t hesitate to start there!

Ophelia Kai
Ophelia Kai

I’m Ophelia Kai, a spiritual guide blending my Catholic faith with witchcraft. With over 30 years of experience, I specialize in Tarot, crystal viewing, herbal healing, and more. My work focuses on love, oneness, and helping others find clarity and healing through spiritual insight.

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