About Three of Wands Tarot Card
Sometimes, the meaning of The Three of Wands is associated with the state of “Going forth” or “Expansion”. What it does is to inspire each one of us to look beyond the existing situation in the present and actualize our potential and take concrete steps in that direction. This card is called by aspirations, assertiveness and vision and it teaches that change normally requires getting out of our comfort zone to grab new opportunities. If you are planning a new job, starting on a new project or desiring a change in general the Three of Wands provides a good understanding of the path to follow. We will discuss both the upright and a reversed position of this card, depending on the offered Life situations or personality characteristics.
- Upright Keywords: Expansion, Progress, Foresight, Courage, Adventure, Taking Risks
- Reversed Keywords: Delays, Frustration, Lack of Planning, Fear, Stagnation, Missed Opportunities
- Life Situations: Starting a new project, Travel, Career change, Moving to a new place, Stepping out of your comfort zone
- Positive Attributes: Optimism, Vision, Confidence, Initiative, Readiness
- Negative Attributes: Impulsiveness, Recklessness, Lack of Focus, Anxiety, Doubt
Three of Wands Tarot Card Description
In the Three of Wands, we see a figure standing on a cliff, gazing out at the vast horizon. They hold three wands, firmly planted in the ground, symbolizing a strong foundation and a sense of stability. Behind them, a lush landscape represents the accomplishments and growth they’ve already achieved. But their gaze is fixed forward, towards the ships sailing in the distance, suggesting a readiness to venture into the unknown.
This imagery beautifully captures the essence of the Three of Wands: a time that looked forward to the future and strived for greater heights. It is all about establishing a good foundation upon which to start new activities, having a good map of what you want to accomplish, and the ability to go for it. The ships symbolize chances that lie unused or untaken, pending the right time. The figure’s non-verbal communication is positive and determined, meaning the figure is ready to take risks and face the unknown.
The Three of Wands represents actions and proactive steps towards the future. It inspires you to believe in yourself, pursue your goals, and venture into the unknown but on a safer note. It is one of the few things in life that will tell you, growing sometimes means moving to a place you’ve never been before and knowing things you never knew before. This card suggests that you are ready for a jump off a cliff, not in terror, but in anticipation of something new that is to come.
Upright Three of Wands General Meaning
When the Three of Wands is drawn as an upright card, it means that there is a go-ahead signal to proceed and grab all the opportunities. For many people, it represents hope and a positive outlook for the future and it could be associated with bravery. It is about moving out of the comfort zone to try out fresh careers or jobs that are in harmony with wishes and goals.
This card speaks to you that the foundation has been prepared, and you have to make the risky move. You are willing to chart a new course, conquer new frontiers, and carve your place in the world. The Three of Wands is all about confidence in your achievements; faith in your ideas and ideas; and being comfortable to venture. There’s something about it that makes you appreciate the fact that the biggest payoffs are only possible if you dare to step out of your comfort zone.
So, if you are facing the decision of beginning a new project, following your dreams, or just extending the limit, the upright Three of Wands will give you the message that you are on the right path. The adventures are calling, it is time to seek and explore the world!
- Upright Love Meaning: A budding romance, expanding your social circle, taking a relationship to the next level
- Upright Money & Career Meaning: New opportunities, business expansion, career advancement, taking calculated risks
- Upright Health Meaning: Recovery from illness, improved well-being, taking proactive steps for health
- Upright Spirituality Meaning: Expanding your spiritual awareness, exploring new beliefs, seeking deeper meaning
❤️ Upright Three of Wands Meaning in Love & Relationships
In the aspect of love, the upright Three of Wands means a period of growth as well as opportunities to start afresh. For those who are single, freedom indicates that it is time to get out of the comfort zone and get to know new people. Well, it might be time to diversify the circle of friends and acquaintances, get more active, and not be so selective in choosing people with whom one wants to communicate.
If you are in a relationship, this card suggests you go a notch higher in your relationship. Maybe it is time to consider living together, engaging or thinking of having children. It might also represent a full-blown reloading in your existing relationship or marriage.
The card encourages you to take risks and to be open to the unknowns when it comes to matters of the heart. It is a time to envision the future, to think “outside the box” and to dare to make something new happen.
💸 Upright Three of Wands Meaning in Money & Career
The Three of Wands, which belongs to finances and career, is a purely positive card that signifies promising opportunities and development. It may be seen as an indication of a need to move forward in life and think about making changes for the better. This may entail entering a new industry, becoming an entrepreneur, or engaging in a new assignment that can provide an opportunity to demonstrate your talent.
This card suggests that it is time for you to treat risks with respect and go for that which is unpredictable. It serves as a sobering lesson that risk with appropriate rationality can indeed pay off. We congratulate you for having done the groundwork and now it is time to go to the next level.
The Three of Wands only has the notion of movement or progression in a positive sense associated with it. Thus it implies that your career path is on the right track. Stay loyal to your gut, do not miss the chances and do not confine yourself – you can dream of anything you want. Your drive and endeavor shall unarguably set the path to success!
💚 Upright Three of Wands Meaning in Health
In terms of health, the upright Three of Wands represents positivism and constant energy in your life. It implies that the state of your health is progressive or that the quality of your life is likely to be enhanced. Regarding your health issues, this card suggests that you focus on the possibility of a recovery and try to do what you can to improve your condition.
Again, the Three of Wands encourages growth, and where we go to find new experiences is a factor that impacts overall health. Maybe it’s time to change the type of exercise, seek out other forms of healing or just spend time in the park more often.
This card is a message for you to ensure that you have time for self-care and physical exercise. Take care of your body, feed your brain, and be optimistic. However, with the right attitude and approach, you will keep moving forward in your quest for the best health possible.
🔮 Upright Three of Wands Meaning in Spirituality
In the realm of spirituality, the upright Three of Wands represents growth and discovery. It appears to mean you are willing and able to expand your spiritual possibilities and embrace something greater in yourself and in life. You might experiment with new spiritual practices, philosophies, or communities that align with your new outlook.
This card suggests that you should place yourself in unfamiliar territory and be prepared not to know everything. This is a period where you are supposed to act on your feelings or instincts in order to receive divine direction. The Three of Wands encourages you to open yourself up to new worlds, and it challenges the self-imposed limitations that have been holding you back for so long.
As a reminder, let us not forget that spiritual progress always entails stepping into the unknown. It is not about fear or comfort, It is about the ability to push out of your comfort zone and into the exceptional realm of change. The Three of Wands is a message to let you know that you are not alone on this venture and that there are great things lying in the future for you.
Reversed Three of Wands General Meaning
The negative aspect of the Three of Wands is that it may appear in a reversed position, which suggests stagnation in your strive for growth and development. The upright card gives a clear message of independent creativity, and adventure, while the Three of Wands reversed tells of a time for reevaluation.
This may signal a period of stagnation, stagnation, or loss of potential. Maybe you feel unsure, afraid, or insecure about the next steps you are going to take. You may be going through a period of uncertainty, which results in poor decision making and feeling of being all stranded.
The reversed Three of Wands asks you to pause for a moment and rethink your plans and actions on the way. Remember this message and to wait until more data has been accumulated and the fundamentals of the strategy have been in place. It is also a chance to look into existing fears or concerns that could be preventing you from moving forward.
Remember, getting success is not a straight journey and it has many obstacles on the way. The reversed Three of Wands is a sign that you may have got off track and simply need to re-strategise and go at your objectives with more energy.
- Reversed Love Meaning: Delays in relationships, lack of progress, fear of commitment, missed connections
- Reversed Money & Career Meaning: Setbacks, delays in projects, financial difficulties, lack of direction
- Reversed Health Meaning: Stagnation in recovery, setbacks in health, feeling stuck or unmotivated
- Reversed Spirituality Meaning: Feeling lost or disconnected, lack of spiritual growth, doubt or confusion
❤️ Reversed Three of Wands Meaning in Love & Relationships
For the matter of love and relationships, the reversed Three of Wands represents that it is a period where you might experience hindrances, losses or failure to meet someone. If you are single, it might indicate a phase of being indecisive or reluctant to start the process of finding a companion. It is possible that you have fear of rejection or lack of self-assurance that you will be able to find a suitable partner.
For those that are in a relationship already, this card portends some phenomenon of stagnation or lack of mobility forward. It might be that you do not feel close to your partner anymore or your relationship brings up questions about its longevity. It could also indicate conflicts in the communication channels or a lack of commitment in the relationship.
The reversed Three of Wands suggests reconsidering your goals and interests and provides an opportunity to assess your needs. It is an indication to be more tolerant and more willing to listen and share with your beloved and if there are phobias and complexes that interfere with your further relationships, it is time to remove these obstacles.
💸 Reversed Three of Wands Meaning in Money & Career
If the Three of Wands shows up in a reversed position concerning money and work, it means the universe is signaling to rethink the current course. Currently, you might be facing some challenges such as delay or stagnation in your projects. You may feel that your plans are not moving as fast as you had planned they should, or there are barriers toward the accomplishment of these plans.
This card suggests that there should be a change of tactics, meaning you have to step back and start considering other tactics. Has it changed? Are your goals still in parallel with your values or your dream? Do you have to use a different strategy or get assistance from someone else? It also serves as a reminder not to spend or commit without a second thought especially when it comes to financial matters.
However, remember that in any kind of trip or endeavor, there will always be some obstacles along the way. The reversed card in the spread, the Three of Wands, is a call to see these obstacles in your path as a chance for learning and personal development. If you lose your path to success, you can get together once again and press forward and fight much harder.
💚 Reversed Three of Wands Meaning in Health
In the context of a health reading, the reversed Three of Wands may signal the idea that progress has been halted or that instead of healing, you are becoming worse. You may be getting impatient with the pace of change or having some relapse in your wellness goals. You need to understand that it may be a long process and that there are moments when things may go in an unexpected direction.
This card urges you to remain patient with your inner self and the body. It could be an indication that it is high time to change the way you handle health and well-being. Okay, how many hours of sleep do you get per day? Have you recently taken a salad or any other healthy product to your stomach? How are you coping with stress in your everyday activities?
As the reversed Three of Wands stands, you should pay attention to the signs your body gives you and consult a doctor if necessary. You should not feel ashamed to discuss your issues with a healthcare provider or close friends. It is important to bear this in mind as you are not the only one who is on this particular journey.
🔮 Reversed Three of Wands Meaning in Spirituality
If you are encountering the Three of Wands Reversed in terms of your spiritual path, this can signify that you are feeling lost, dispirited or you have no direction in your journey. Maybe you have been experiencing a lack of faith, doubt, or an absence of inspiration, and growth. It is quite natural to go through the spiritual dark nights, that is, seasons of the soul when you feel lost or uncertain.
This card encourages you to look inward and reconsider your mental and emotional terrain. Do you have some beliefs in your life that you still cling to even though they are not productive anymore? Does fear or self-doubt prevent you from evolving spiritually?
Decision making and efficient problem solving are the main focuses of the reversed Three of Wands tarot card. This is when it is important to remember to be kind to yourself, be patient, and engage in things that are healing. Keep in mind, everyone’s spiritual path is different and everyone progresses at their own pace.
Three of Wands in a Yes or No Card Reading
In “Yes or No” tarot answers, the Three of Wands card is most of the time related to the affirmative response.
Upright Position
When you get this card upright, it is straight up a “Yes” card. This card is the card you need to power the continuous progression and expansion in the future. It indicates that everything is smooth from here on and all the plans that you may be contemplating may easily materialize. Like a green light and signal to be more confident and to be full of a positive outlook in life.
Reversed Position
If the Three of Wands is reversed, it might be equivalent to a “no” or at the very least “not now”. It connotes that things might not proceed as planned and an alteration may be necessary. It is not necessarily a clear cut “No” but it means that one should be careful and try a different strategy.