12 Card Tarot Spread
Looking for more info to level up your tarot game? Now, let’s shed some light on the 12 card tarot spread. It is really a good idea to recall the global picture of your life, that is, actually similar to the cross of truth tarot spread but longer.
It is simply exciting that no matter how long you have read the tarot cards, 12-card tarot spread can help you see so much about your history and your now and perhaps, your future. We will explain how to do a basic 12 card Tarot spread and even suggest where to use it and share ideas for creative additions. Oh you may be more used to the tarot card celtic cross – well don’t worry because this spread is very easy to learn as well!
What is a 12-Card Tarot Spread?
Hence the question, what does 12-card tarot spread mean? It can hence be seen as an attempt to give a compressed picture of a person’s life read through the symbolism of the tarot. Not to be confused with the cross of truth, tarot spread! 12-card tarot spread provides a deeper and more detailed analysis of the various aspects of your existence.
During a 12 card tarot reading, twelve cards are shuffled out of the deck of cards. Every card has a different meaning; they address different aspects of your life, including past, present, future, work and other significant relationships, and career, among other things.
The advantage of the 12-card spread tarot is in its versatility, and you can construct a spread depending on what you seek. It can be compared to a profound dialogue with your own soul, which helps sort out the issue in the bewildering reality or consider the overall life path.
12 card tarot spread is for you if you are in confusion over a decision, needing help in making a decision on goal setting or if one is just inquisitive over the future.
As with most practices, a simple 12 card tarot spread works well as a starting point. If you already know the tarot card celtic cross or the 11 card celtic spread you will most probably not have a problem transitioning to the 12 card celtic spread.
Want a real tarot reading? Select your star sign!

Variations of the Celtic Tarot
Now that you know how to use the basic 12-card tarot spread. Let’s see some of the ways you can further enhance it, and add more options to your tarot kit! That is why tarot is rather versatile, and there are always ways to make the information you obtain fit your needs perfectly.
The 12-card tarot spread is admittedly rather good, but this is just a starting point. You can create your own variations by adjusting card positions and their meanings. Maybe you’d like to focus more on your career or relationships – feel free to tailor the spread accordingly! You can even assign specific cards to represent different aspects of your life or specific questions you have.
Yes, just like the Celtic Cross tarot spread you got an idea that this 12-card one has something in common with it. Both of them provide a general view of some aspect of one’s life; however the 12 card spread is more detailed and gives a closer look at the situation.
If you prefer a faster reading, you will enjoy the 11 card Celtic Cross layout. It adapts the main components of the Celtic cross but it is somewhat shorter, which can be useful in case you want to concentrate on a particular issue or challenge.
Perhaps you wonder how astrology impacts your life. One of the ways to incorporate astrology to the twelve card layout is to assign the sign or the planet to each of the cards. This can offer an interesting view on how celestial energies impact your life path.
You could also bring numerology into your reading. Images on a tarot card have been assigned certain numbers, so looking at these numbers will reveal some meaning or symbol.
How To Perform a 12-Card Tarot Spread
- Sacred space. You should pick a calm and comfortable environment within you would not be interrupted. This could be your bedroom, or a meditation corner in your house or even outside your house. The purpose is to design a space that becomes comfortable and encouraging for thinking about one’s thoughts.
- Your tools. You also need to have something to write with for your personal notes; the cards must rest on a cloth; and any gems or other resources that you consider to be symbolic to your images.
- Clear the deck. If you feel it is necessary then you should purify your deck before the reading or before using the physical tools. This can be accomplished through sage burning, leaving the deck out in the moonlight, or even just shuffling the deck and saying out loud “I clear these cards of any energy now”.
- Center yourself. Spend a few minutes and pause… listen to the whispers of your soul. Practical applications include controlled breathing, meditation, or just simply count your breathing which allows your mind to become open and ready to accept the suggestions.
The Spread
- Shuffle and draw. Shuffle the cards in their hands, with a question or intention in your mind. When you are warmed up, take 12 cards out of the deck and place the cards into four columns and three rows from left to right.
- Card positions. 12-card spread has meanings related to different aspects of an individual’s life and his circumstance. Here’s a common interpretation for each position:Here’s a common interpretation for each position.
Row 1: The Past
- Card 1: Root of the Situation – The underlying cause or origin of the current situation.
- Card 2: Recent Past Influences – Events or experiences that have shaped the present.
- Card 3: Conscious Mind – Your current thoughts and beliefs about the situation.
- Card 4: Subconscious Mind – Underlying feelings or hidden influences that may be affecting you.
Row 2: The Present
- Card 5: Current Situation – An overview of your present circumstances.
- Card 6: Challenges or Obstacles – Potential difficulties or roadblocks you may encounter.
- Card 7: External Influences – Factors outside your control that may be impacting the situation.
- Card 8: Your Attitude – Your current mindset and how it’s affecting your approach.
Row 3: The Future
- Card 9: Hopes and Fears – Your aspirations and anxieties regarding the situation.
- Card 10: Potential Outcome – The most likely outcome if you continue on your current path.
- Card 11: Best Course of Action – Guidance on the steps you can take to achieve a positive outcome.
- Card 12: The Overall Lesson – The overarching theme or message of the reading.
When drawing out each of the particular cards it’d be advisable to analyze the general meaning of that special card and how that particular card relates with other cards in the spread. Pay attention to such things as the repeatability, other occurrences, or some appearance of any specific cards.
It is important that you clearly understand each card; allow your inner voice to help you with that. Remember, feelings, images, or thoughts that may occur to you when you are brainstorming, or when you are pondering each of the cards.
It is important to write these down, such as notes you have made about the interpretation and any lessons to be learnt from what has been read. This will enable you to have a record of your progress and further engage in a self-ontological reflection of your findings at different stages.
What is a 12 card tarot spread?
A 12 card tarot spread is a layout using 12 cards to gain comprehensive insight into various aspects of your life, including your past, present, and future. It’s like an extended version of the cross of truth tarot spread.
How is a 12 card spread tarot different from a Celtic Cross spread?
While both provide in-depth readings, the 12 card spread tarot typically delves deeper into specific life areas, offering a more nuanced perspective than the tarot card celtic cross or the 11 card celtic cross spread.
Can I use a 12 card tarot spread for specific questions, or is it only for general readings?
The 12 card tarot is versatile. While it provides a great overview, you can also adapt it to focus on particular questions or areas of your life.
Is there a basic 12 card tarot spread layout that beginners can follow?
Yes, there’s a basic 12 card tarot spread that’s easy to learn, even if you’re new to tarot. It provides a solid foundation for understanding the spread’s structure and potential.
Can I customize the 12 card tarot spread to fit my needs?
Absolutely! Tarot is a personal practice. You can modify card positions or meanings in the 12 card spread tarot to tailor it to your specific questions or intentions.
How often should I use a 12 card tarot spread?
It depends on your needs. Some use it for monthly check-ins, while others consult it when facing major decisions or transitions. Trust your intuition to guide you.
Can I use a 12 card spread tarot for myself, or do I need a professional reader?
You can absolutely use it for self-readings! With practice and an open mind, you can gain valuable insights from the 12 card tarot spread on your own.
Learn More About Tarot

Love Tarot Readings: Discover what’s in store for your love life with insightful readings aimed at romance and relationships.

Cartomancy Readings Online: Explore traditional card reading techniques online to reveal your future and fortune.

Career Tarot: Seek clarity and direction in your professional life with a tarot reading focused on career decisions.

Angel Card Readings: Receive comforting guidance and messages from the angelic realm to illuminate your path.

7 Card Tarot: Gain a deeper understanding of your current challenges and future directions with a seven-card spread.

10 Tarot Card Reading: Uncover comprehensive insights into your life’s most pressing questions and future possibilities.