12 Month Tarot Spread

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Here is your one-stops biggest and best source of information on the twelve-month tarot spread. The success rate of this tool is remarkably high. Twelve-month tarot spread gives a clear picture of the coming year and possibilities on a monthly basis. In addition it helps you with career, relationship and personal growth. The 12-month spread is a practical approach for determining just what is your potential in the coming year. You will be able to discover how to establish and adhere to the spread, the rules of card selection and interpretation, as well as learn ways to benefit from the spread to the greatest extent possible. So, let’s begin this exploration of the self.

What is a 12 Month Tarot Spread?

But first let’s understand what a twelve-month tarot spread is in the first place. In other words, it’s a tarot 12 card spread, which aims to provide you some overview of the upcoming twelve months. Consider it as your own guidebook. Each tarot card is a month and you get an idea of what this month may bring you.

If the goals are spread for the next 12 months, you can begin to prepare for the potential and difficulties in each month. It is like having a glimpse of what is to come so you get prepared on what is in store for you. A year ahead tarot prediction spread can be useful in regards to career, relationship, and personal development. It’s a great way to get a clear sense of what the future may look like.

Interested in how a 12 month tarot spread is going to be prepared? So not concerned, we shall discuss how to choose the right deck and how to read cards in the next section. Let’s get started!

Want a real tarot reading? Select your star sign!

21 Mar – 19 Apr
20 Apr – 20 May
21 May – 20 Jun
21 Jun – 22 Jul
23 Jul – 22 Aug
23 Aug – 22 Sep
21 Sep – 22 Oct
23 Oct – 21 Nov
22 Nov – 21 Dec
22 Dec – 19 Jan
20 Jan – 18 Feb
19 Feb – 20 Mar

How to Perform the 12 Month Tarot Spread

First of all mix your tarot cards and think about what you want the year tarot spread to tell you. You may ask questions like, “What should I know about the upcoming year?” or “What I am going to learn this year?”. Spread 12 cards to line them in a row or circle, each representing a particular month of the year beginning with January.

Here lies the highlight! Examine each card and contemplate on how it fits in light of the month assigned to it. What energies or themes could have been present during that time? What are the important things one should know, that could be a challenge, or an opportunity? Always look at both the positive and negative or the mundane and spiritual when interpreting tarot cards.

When you have completed interpreting the individual cards, attempt to find how they relate to create a larger overall picture of the year. Is there any cyclicality in the topic? Indeed, does it appear that some cards are related or have elements that mimic those of other cards? This step allows gaining an idea of the general chronology of the year and how some events or experiences may affect other ones.

What Each Month Can Reveal

Now let us look at what each month of your 12 month tarot spread could signify! 

  1. January: This is the first card that set the mood of this year. A Major Arcana card such as The Fool might represent initiating energy, the start of a new cycle or a desire for one, and adventurous energy. The Tower might mean leaving the old behind.
  2. February: In this position, card may be associated with your feelings and the relationships you have. The Lovers may mean the romantic reference to love while The Hermit may hint at seclusion and rest.
  3. March: This tarot card could mean that there is a change in your job or in the branch of work/interest you’re into. The Chariot might be interpreted as a path and goals, while The Hanged Man may imply a stop.
  4. April: Generally associated with home and family needs. The Empress can represent care and prosperity, while The Devil can symbolically reflect the sense of addictions or constraints.
  5. May: This card could show points about your communication and learning manner. The Magician might be interpreted as manifestation and creativity, for example, and The High Priestess might indicate the necessity of relying on one’s intuition as a guide.
  6. June: This card means concentration on relation, and links. Strength can represent courage. The Moon can signify mystique or could mean inner conflict.
  7. July: This card reveals the main aspects of personal development and the internal space. The Sun could represent happiness and triumph, whereas. The Judgement may refer to the requirement of changing your perspective.
  8. August: This card may indicate your financial state. The Wheel of Fortune could indicate the possibility of changes. The Four of Pentacles can indicate that one needs to stay put.
  9. September: This card suggests specific cares related to the state of health. The Temperance card could be related to stability and temperance and The Ten of Swords can suggest a need to take a break.
  10. October: Traditionally implicated in concerns with career or public person. The Emperor in the Tarot spread could represent power and control, and The Star might symbolize hope and guidance.
  11. November: This card could focus on the kind of awareness and future that your spiritual growth and incredible change could offer. Death could be seen as cyclical, and therefore a sign of change while The World could symbolize a conclusion, a kind of success.
  12. December: The final card offers a culmination of the year’s lessons and a glimpse into the future. The Wheel of Fortune might suggest a cyclical pattern, while The World could indicate a sense of wholeness and integration.

Using the Spread for Yearly Reflection and Planning

The 12 month tarot spread is not only a way to have clues about what is going to happen in the future but also a really good tool for introspection and strategy. It is important to review those cards in your spread as you progress through the year and reflect on how the messages are applicable to events and situations you may encounter.

If the card you completed for March was to reflect a career shift that you experienced – did the card represent it adequately? Did the June card hit the nail with business relationships? They can assist you in honing your understanding of the tarot and truly become ‘one’ with the cards.

Beyond offering insights into the future, your 12 month tarot spread is also a fantastic tool for reflection and planning. As you move through the year, revisit your spread and see how the cards’ messages resonate with your experiences.

Did the card for March accurately reflect the career shift you encountered?  Was the June card’s emphasis on relationships spot on? These reflections help you fine-tune your tarot interpretation skills and deepen your connection to the cards.

But wait there’s more magic that awaits you! Using the cards, set their intentions and goals for each month and how they will be achieved.

Life is not only the destination but the journey as well and having your tarot year spread could be an inspiration in your way. It is about time that you review your twelve month spread, monitor your success rate and make necessary changes where necessary. It keeps you connected with what you want for yourself and your life, providing guidance in times of conflict and opening doors to possibilities.


What is a 12-month tarot spread?

A 12-month tarot spread, also called a year tarot spread or yearly tarot spread, uses 12 cards to represent each month of the year, offering insights into potential themes and energies for the coming year.

How do I perform a 12-month tarot spread?

Shuffle your tarot deck, focusing on your intention for the reading. Draw 12 cards and lay them out in a line or circle, starting with January. Interpret each card in relation to its corresponding month.

Can I use any tarot deck for a 12-month spread?

Absolutely! Choose a deck that resonates with you and feels comfortable to work with.

What if I get a “negative” card in my spread?

Tarot cards aren’t inherently positive or negative. Even challenging cards offer opportunities for growth and transformation. Consider them as areas where you may need to focus your attention or make adjustments.

How often should I revisit my 12-month spread?

It’s beneficial to check in with your spread monthly or whenever you feel the need for guidance or reflection. Use it as a tool to track your progress and make adjustments as needed.

Can a 12-month spread predict the future?

Tarot offers insights into potential energies and influences, not concrete predictions. A 12-month spread can help you anticipate challenges and opportunities, empowering you to make informed choices.

Is there a specific layout I need to follow for a 12-month spread?

While there are traditional layouts, feel free to adapt them or create your own. The most important thing is that the layout makes sense to you and helps you connect with the cards’ messages.

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