Ancestor Tarot Spread

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Ever gotten the sense that someone, somewhere nearby, might want to speak to you but couldn’t because they’re no longer able to? A push from history, or was it? Tarot spreads related to ancestors are not only about interpreting cards, they are about dialogue with your dead. To explain the idea of the ancestors tarot card, you should learn how to use tarot to open up a communication tarot spread as well as the connection spread tarot that will enable you to connect with your ancestries tarot knowledge. Now, get ready to explore the mysteries hidden in the ancestral tarot.

What is the Ancestor Tarot Spread

Well, let us explain to you, what exactly is an ancestor tarot spread? It is a bridge to the previous years, which are out of your reach but which are still connected to you by a metaphysical link. Yes, it is a method that helps to address others with the help of tarot cards and obtain the healing messages of ancestors and ancestral spirits to know what they want to pass through you and share with you.

This spread is much more than a peep inside the past. In simple terms, it is about connecting the ancient knowledge with today’s context and the steering of tomorrow. It can be a contributor to your therapy of past wounds and hurts that have been buried deep within. Ancestors could help you discover your life’s purpose and contribute to self-development.

Maybe you want to understand the secrets that your family’s past holds, find answers to life’s questions of life, or just want to know where they come from. In any case, the ancestor tarot spread provides you with valuable information no matter your exploring purpose. It’s as if engaging with the frequency of individuals who have long passed on – an open flood gate of support, love, and eternal knowledge pour into one’s existence.

You can discover more about the family – both positive and negative attributes and powers that may have been transmitted from generation to generation. You are not alone plus your story goes on.

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21 Mar – 19 Apr
20 Apr – 20 May
21 May – 20 Jun
21 Jun – 22 Jul
23 Jul – 22 Aug
23 Aug – 22 Sep
21 Sep – 22 Oct
23 Oct – 21 Nov
22 Nov – 21 Dec
22 Dec – 19 Jan
20 Jan – 18 Feb
19 Feb – 20 Mar

How to Prepare for an Ancestor Tarot Reading

You should start by collecting items that are closely linked with tarot and your heritage. This may be family members’ photos or family treasures. These objects would remind you of your heritage, and can also boost the energy of the reading.

You should take a moment and try to clear your mind before starting. Stop for a moment and shut your eyes; and, using your diaphragm, take a few breaths. Doing this will assist you in freeing your mind so that you can have the necessary reception for such messages to come through to you.

Focus on your intention for the reading. What would you like to know from your ancestors? The kind of guidance you need depends on the type of guidance you want offered to you. Maybe you want guidelines and answers for a specific matter, probability for healing of family sins, or just desires to have a stronger bond with your roots.

The Ancestor Tarot Spread: A Step-by-Step Guide

Okay, let it go straight to the ancestor tarot spread. It is a plain but strong practice that gives you a possibility to establish a connection with your ancestors.

  1. Past Influences. This card is relevant to the respondents’ present life, including the patterns, beliefs, and experiences inherited from their ancestors.
  2. Ancestral Gifts. This card shows the special gift, skill, and knowledge which your ancestors are offering to you.
  3. Challenges. It shows you possibilities of what may come in your way or aspects that you need to overcome, which are normally coded in your genetic memory.
  4. Guidance. Here you get instructions regarding life from your ancestors, including how to overcome problems and accept one’s blessings of this card.
  5. Connection. This card depicts you and your ancestors’ continuous engagement and how you can enhance it.

Visual Representation:


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Every card in this ancestral tarot spread gives you a sneak peek into some aspect of the ancestral tarot. Your ancestors’ tarot card meanings will create a plot that will explain to you who your people were, and who you are too.

This connection tarot spread is a lot more than a way to get messages. The question is about the nature of the relationship you have with your forefathers. While interpreting the cards, make sure to focus on the sensations of the cards’ presence and say ‘thank you’ to the cards for the help. Tarot spread, in particular, the ancestor tarot spread can be helpful in establishing a link with your forefathers or at least the feeling of them being near and their wisdom within hands’ reach.

Benefits of Connecting with Ancestors Through Tarot

It is as if you turn on the light and see the enlightened ideas from the previous generations of people. This is your chance for emotional and spiritual therapy based on the ancestor tarot spread. By using ancestral memory to decode family behavioral patterns and obstacles, you acquires insight into your experience and transcends a family lore. It could be regarded as a process of clearing the mess you create in your mind. And as an ability to become free in a way and to realize dreams. Connection with our ancestors helps us tap into a wellspring of strength and resilience. It reminds us that we are not alone on this way.

Also it can be considered the ancestral tarot spread as a form of embracing the feminine and taking the power back. It is a possibility to pay respect to all the ladies who have been working and fighting for changes throughout centuries.

It could also enlighten you on issues concerning your destiny so that you make the right decisions that would benefit you.


What is an ancestor tarot spread?

It’s a specific tarot card layout designed to facilitate a connection and communication with your ancestors.

How is an ancestor tarot spread different from other tarot spreads?

While other spreads may focus on general guidance or specific life areas, the ancestor tarot spread specifically aims to tap into the wisdom and guidance of your ancestors.

What can I expect to gain from an ancestor tarot spread reading?

You can gain insights into ancestral patterns, inherited strengths and challenges, and guidance for your current life path. It’s also a way to deepen your connection with your lineage.

Do I need to know a lot about my ancestors to use this spread?

Not necessarily! The ancestor tarot spread can help you connect with your ancestors even if you have limited knowledge about them. The cards can reveal information and insights you may not be consciously aware of.

Can the ancestor tarot spread help me heal from family traumas or issues?

Yes, the spread can bring awareness to ancestral patterns that may be impacting you and offer guidance on how to heal and move forward.

Is there a specific ancestor tarot spread layout I should use?

While there are several variations, the most common layout includes cards representing past influences, ancestral gifts, challenges, guidance, and connection.

Can I use any tarot deck for an ancestor tarot spread

Absolutely! Any tarot deck can be used for this spread. However, you might find it particularly meaningful to use a deck that resonates with your cultural heritage or personal beliefs.

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