Healing Tarot Spread
Everyone has been in a situation thinking that life will be easier now, only to be hit with something you never could imagine? But could the tarot actually be the way to unlock these pathways to healing?
That is one small corner of the world where we get to discuss the wonders of healing tarot spreads. From learning about childhood trauma to dealing with the intricacies of adulthood, these spreads can help lead you through a path to self-actualization and serenity. It is like the universe is giving a subtle prod, telling you to trust how strong and capable you really are.
Why is the Healing Tarot Spread beneficial?
Alright, let’s get real for a second. This world is no pushover and again there are memories, which could inhibit one, whether it’s childhood trauma or the recent breakup. In comes a healing tarot spread, like a warm embrace meant to let your soul heal.
It’s kind of like having a soft and comforting voice which guides you to ponder about those challenges that you are going through. Suddenly it is as if the speaker is revealing your inner self, the feelings that lie deep within and might prevent progress. That is, when you realize the nature of such injuries you are able to look for ways on how to overcome them.
A tarot spread for healing is not about finding magic cures or instant remedies. It is about introspection and agency. It is the ability of stemming from a place that is emotional, it is about finding that strength that perhaps one never knew existed.
Well, why not apply a healing tarot spread? Because sometimes in life you need that force inside of you to keep going and make you whole again. And the tarot is a handy tool to be so on that path to painting a beautiful picture in your life.
Want a real tarot reading? Select your star sign!
How to Prepare for a Healing Tarot Reading
It is possible to apply general rules on how to prepare for a regular tarot card reading, but to be ready for a Healing Tarot card reading, there are a few nuances.
First of all, it’s time to set goals. Are you looking to get what about this healing tarot? Do you want to determine the validity of a traumatic event that you have experienced? If you want to develop self-compassion, are you willing to spend more? The clearer your goals, the more extensive your reading will be.
Get some candles, or headphones, whatever puts you in your relaxed state. Please keep in mind that this is a safe space where you get to listen to your intuition.
But before proceeding, it is only right that we discuss that entering a tarot healing spread must be an open and receptive experience. Take seriously what the cards might want to convey, even if one is entirely taken by surprise.
In case you are stressed up or you are having anxiety issues or any other related problem, ground up. Breathe in some air, ground yourself, or imagine yourself extending your roots into the ground. These are just some ways that may support your presence and the connection to reality.
Just one final note: the healing tarot spread is a journey, not a destination. Give yourself permission to be as compassionate towards yourself as you are towards others; trust the process and let the cards help you discover what you are capable of healing in yourself and in your world.
The Structure of a Healing Tarot Spread
There are no generic items. It is worth noting that Tarot is one of the most intuitive and personalized activities. However, as a starting point you could consider a very usual layout which can be adapted for your case.
Usually, when doing a healing tarot spread, one could use several cards with each symbolizing a particular form of healing. It helps you walk around your inner world like you would on the road map.
- You might have a card that underlines the primary cause of the problem. This could help explain some past experiences of traumas or beliefs that are keeping the individual from advancing.
- Another card could be devoted to feelings that people experience when facing these difficulties, to make you realize how it influences your mental state.
- Next up is the healing advice card. This is where all the action takes place! The tarot provides subtle advice on how to take care of one’s self and proceed. It may help identify practices (such as self-care, therapy, or talking to your inner child), things that can be coupled with healthy habits.
- The last card will in turn give you a foresight of the possibilities that are to come in case you go for the healing process. It is a reinforcement of the typical fairy tale saying that there is always a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.
Please keep in mind that these are examples only. There are several tarot spreads for healing which you can modify based on your needs and circumstances. If you’re struggling with childhood trauma, you might include a card specifically for that. If, however, you want to feel a general well-being, then the positions can be shifted slightly.
Some of the most proficient tips one should remember are: The most crucial virtue is receptiveness when working with your spread. Believe in yourself, ladies, and with the help of the tarot, travel towards the healing of your souls.
Interpreting the Cards in a Healing Spread
Okay, you have created your healing tarot spread, and now, it is time to reveal what they mean. Just keep in mind that the cards are there to offer you assistance in terms of direction and are not predestined. Now I would like to discuss some basic cards and perhaps look at them in relation to your reading.
For instance, you draw The Hermit in the “root of the issue” position. This could indicate that you need to go through a process of self-analysis and withdrawal from social interactions in order to come to terms with past negative experiences.
If The Tower is in the first house in the “emotional impact” position, then there could be change, release, transformation and letting go.
In the “healing advice” position, The Star shows the light towards healing and renewal while The Empress usually teaches the importance of the self-care and healing of the inner child.
Cards like The Devil signify unhealthy things in your life that have to be let go of. Or maybe you will draw The Hanged Man, which means that it is time to let go and look at things from a different angle.
When to Seek Professional Guidance
Healing tarot spreads are an incredible concept to help us work through what we are going through. But it’s smart to tell when they might be a little insufficient.
If one has severe enduring hurt or other psychological complications, then it is necessary to consult a qualified therapist who has a license. They have undergone through their training and have the required skills to assist you in passing through that rocky phase in a safe manner.
It is better to regard tarot as an assisting resource, as a wise and kind companion who will help and guide you. It could illustrate certain patterns and possibly indicate the way to recovery, but it is no substitute for professional help.
If you’re drawing mostly childhood trauma or if the emotions connected with the cards cause some distressing feelings, then it is high time to consult. Do not forget that it is perfectly okay to seek assistance. Self-care is not for the faint-hearted; it requires strength, and courage to put one’s mental and emotional health first.
What is Tarot Healing Spread?
Healing tarot spread is a particular layout of the tarot cards meant to help to find answers on the path to emotional, mental or spiritual healing.
What can be useful healing tarot?
Healing tarot is a tarot spread layout that can assist one in finding understanding of past injuries, acknowledge emotional barriers within and find the route to self-empathy and tranquility.
Is it possible to find guidance regarding childhood trauma through tarot spreads?
Of course, childhood trauma tarot spread is absolutely safe to help you focus on the problem and give hints at how to cope with it.
Are there specific spreads for different types of healing?
There are tarot healing spreads for different needs, such as emotional healing, accepting grief, or dealing with relationship issues.
Is it possible that such readings can substitute actual professional interaction?
No, it is not. It is the way how people can express themselves and work through feelings and emotions, but it does not mean it should replace therapy. The involvement of a licensed therapist is the first thing if you are dealing with complexities of trauma or having any form of emotional issue.
What if some of the cards I pull in my healing spread are difficult or interpret bearing negative meaning?
Some cards can be considered painful, for example, The Tower or The Devil, still, they are given to shed light on the aspects that require healing and changes.
How do I know when it is right to perform a healing tarot spread?
It is recommended that you employ a healing tarot spread in any session that you deem necessary to help you on your healing path. There are people who read on a set schedule, and there are those who read when specific issues arise. Go with the flow and choose what you truly want to do.
Learn More About Tarot
Love Tarot Readings: Discover what’s in store for your love life with insightful readings aimed at romance and relationships.
Cartomancy Readings Online: Explore traditional card reading techniques online to reveal your future and fortune.
Career Tarot: Seek clarity and direction in your professional life with a tarot reading focused on career decisions.
Angel Card Readings: Receive comforting guidance and messages from the angelic realm to illuminate your path.
7 Card Tarot: Gain a deeper understanding of your current challenges and future directions with a seven-card spread.
10 Tarot Card Reading: Uncover comprehensive insights into your life’s most pressing questions and future possibilities.