Loss Tarot Spread

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Has there ever been a moment in your life where you were faced with loss and felt like you have been thrown for a loop? We get it. That is why we are here to discuss the loss tarot spread with you. It is a tender approach to managing those difficult feelings, be it the grief tarot spread that you require or any other tarot questions regarding a departed person. It is now time to find out what kind of support and guidance loss tarot can provide during difficult scenarios in one’s life stage.

What is a Loss Tarot Spread?

Let’s imagine it as a caring dialogue with the cards at a time of particular weakness and distress. It’s just an unusual layout of the tarot which, each position corresponds with a different facet of grief. Perhaps, you are in a hopeless search of comfort after losing a close one, and you find the idea of the grief tarot spread comforting and appealing. Or, maybe, you are struggling with the idea of breaking up, then you see yourself asking tarot questions about a dead person.

In any case, a loss tarot spread is a way to give yourself permission to experience emotions, seek new angles, and, therefore, to heal. It can assist you manage feelings of anger or grief that accompany loss and uncover answers that may be unresolved, or assist in direction as you transition. It helps to have somebody who is always with you, telling not only that you are not alone, but you will have better days.

How the Loss Tarot Spread Works

Normally it’s used from 3 to 7 cards on average, contingent upon to what degree one is ready to get to. Every single card has a significance, which is linked to your grief.

For instance, one card may contain something along the lines of “what you need to let go of” so that you may be able to let go of things that may be holding you back. You may also have one that says “finding strength” to help you recall that you are strong, for instance, and one for “moving forward”, if you want to focus on the future.

In case you are applying a grief tarot spread, there are certain types of cards which are meant to turn out the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. If you’re using a grief tarot spread, you might find cards specifically addressing the stages of grief, like denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Or, if you’re exploring tarot questions about someone who passed away, the spread could focus on understanding their path, finding closure, and maintaining a connection with their memory.

That really is the beauty of a loss tarot spread as it has the potential to be modified to fit the situation. Still they allow for position and meaning shift according to the occasion and the questions you want to address.

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Why Use a Loss Tarot Spread?

Okay, so why would you use the loss tarot spread?

Well, it may be as if you have a lamp in a dark room which shows you what path to take. In stormy waters of grief as it is, a loss tarot spread may come in handy and guide you through the right path. If anything, therapy is a way for you to deal with those heavy feelings towards helping you find a healthier way to process those feelings.

Tarot readers claim that the loss tarot spread helps you look into the depths of yourself as if into a mirror. It can show things that can be hidden from conscious observation, such as guilt, resentment, or an unexpectedly calm attitude in the face of grief.

Most of the time, though, a grief tarot spread can be very helpful especially when it comes to the sorrow of losing a loved one. It can facilitate a connection with their spirit, provide answers to those unanswered tarot questions about someone who passed away, and offer reassurance that they’re still with you in some way.

Lastly, a loss tarot spread is not designed to forecast a loss but rather to gain insight into the current situation and move forward. It is about respecting your mourning, recognizing your ability, and remembering that recovery is achievable.

Loss Tarot Spread Layout

First, find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be interrupted. Light a candle, play some soothing music – anything that helps you relax and connect with your inner self.

Now, shuffle your tarot deck while focusing on the loss you’re experiencing. It’s okay if emotions come up; let them flow. When you’re ready, draw five cards and lay them out in a cross shape, like this:

  • Card 1: The Heart of the Matter (center) – This card represents the core of your loss, the essence of what you’re grieving. It might reveal hidden emotions or shed light on the situation’s deeper meaning.
  • Card 2: What You Need to Let Go Of (left) – This card highlights any attachments, beliefs, or behaviors that are no longer serving you. It might encourage you to release what’s holding you back from healing.
  • Card 3: Lessons Learned (right) – Even in the midst of pain, there are valuable lessons to be found. This card points to the wisdom you’ve gained from your experience and how it can help you grow.
  • Card 4: Finding Strength (top) – This card reminds you of your inner resilience and the support available to you. It might reveal unexpected sources of strength or offer guidance on how to access your power.
  • Card 5: Moving Forward (bottom) – While honoring your grief, this card gently encourages you to look towards the future. It might offer a glimpse of hope, suggest a new path, or simply remind you that healing is possible.

Remember, this is just a basic loss tarot spread. You can always modify it to suit your needs. If you’re exploring grief tarot specifically, you might add cards representing the different stages of grief. For tarot questions about someone who passed away, you could include cards focused on their journey and your connection with them.

The most important thing is to approach the spread with an open heart and a willingness to listen. Let the cards guide you on your healing journey, offering comfort, clarity, and a renewed sense of hope.

Interpreting Common Cards in a Loss Tarot Spread

So now let us go through some of the cards that can be present in a loss tarot spread, and what they may be telling you.

  • Death: Don’t panic! Figuratively, this card hardly ever predicts a physical death in this sense. It normally signifies a large change or close, something like that going on in that area of the lives of a person. There is something beautiful in death, it brings a new change and that change is as natural as the creation of the world.
  • The High Priestess: This card can be translated in a way that you have to look within to solve your current problem. That makes you always listen to your heart or inner voice during this difficult period. It could also be perceived as the signal to take a step back, to rest, and to focus on one’s own well-being.
  • The Hermit: The Hermit indicates that the time has come for quiet seclusion in spite of the presence at home. It is a way of telling itself and others, to take a moment off from life and concentrate more on the self-therapy procedure. This card can also signify a spiritual connection with a loved one who has passed away.
  • Tower: This may be a bit of a shock when you see what you read, but try not to be afraid of it. The tower symbolizes sudden, unexpected changes and upheavals. In the context of loss, it can mean the initial shock and chaos of the experience. It’s a reminder that even when things seem out of control, you have the power to rebuild and build a new foundation.
  • Star: Ah, a ray of hope! The star means healing, renewal and faith in the future. Even in the darkest of times, there is always light. This card often appears in the Loss Tarot spread to offer comfort and reassurance that brighter days are ahead.

As for the meaning of each card with the help of which the divination is made, it is necessary to note that the card is assigned one or another meaning depending on the spread and the cards, which are placed around it. Therefore, if you are lost and confused, do not hesitate to consult the professional tarot reader.


What is a loss tarot spread?

A loss tarot spread is a specific arrangement of tarot cards designed to help you process and heal from a loss, such as the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or another significant life change.

How can a loss tarot spread help me?

A loss tarot spread can offer comfort, clarity, and guidance during a difficult time. It can help you explore your emotions, gain new perspectives, and find strength to move forward.

Is a loss tarot spread the same as a grief tarot spread?

A grief tarot spread is a type of loss tarot spread that specifically focuses on the emotions and process of grieving after the death of a loved one.

Can I use tarot to connect with someone who has passed away?

Yes, you can use a loss tarot spread to ask tarot questions about someone who passed away. This can help you find closure, understand their journey, and maintain a connection with their memory.

Do I need to be an experienced tarot reader to use a loss tarot spread?

Not at all! Loss tarot spreads can be helpful for anyone experiencing loss, regardless of their tarot experience. If you’re new to tarot, consider starting with a simple three-card spread.

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