Self Love Tarot Spread

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Self Love Tarot Spread

Want to open up a new channel for you to know yourself and appreciate yourself better? Today we are diving deep into the magic with a self love tarot spread to help you understand the energy of tarot. This tarot spread is especially interesting for both beginners and experienced readers as it allows you to tune into yourself. You will know how to perform a love tarot reading on yourself, and get tips and recommendations on choosing the best tarot spreads for self.

Fire up a candle, gather your preferred deck and let’s begin this.self discovery process now!

What is a Self Love Tarot Spread?

In other words, it is a chosen sequence of tarot cards that shapes the reader’s perception of their connection with their own self. Still, it can be a mirror that shows you what lies within, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities that it may be worthwhile to focus on.

Tarot spread for the self focuses on a specific area of your life and works as a means of guidance and personal development. With the help of the symbols on the cards you can find the ways to change your attitude towards your self and learn to accept your self. Rather, it’s an exploration into how you can do a love tarot reading on yourself in order to explore how to cultivate more love for oneself.

Self tarot spreads are unique in that they can be done in many ways. Like any other tarot card readings, love tarot reading provides a more customized experience depending on the type of spread that you choose. You may also find suitable Tarot decks for self-love if you want to ask the Tarot for more tailored information about your path.

Still, self-care is an essential practice since people should always take care of themselves. Self love tarot spread is an effective way that embraces the self part of you and reminds you of the worth you carry as a person.

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Why Self Love Matters

To clarify, the concept of self-love is not a cliché; it is the key to discovering the purpose and happiness in life. Experts have it that people who engage in self-compassion are likely to have better mental health, better relationships, and better self-worth. It is defined as the process of accepting who you are, accepting your imperfection, and cherishing yourself.

Think of it this way: you can not pour from an empty cup. When you work and when you at times do not pay attention to yourself, you exhaust and drain yourself. This renders it difficult to be present, in the physical, emotional, and psychological sense, to self and others. In taking care of the self first, even with this easy love tarot spread, it is possible to fill up the cup and even develop better love for the self.

Self-love is a process and not a destination. It means that there has to be high and lows, the times when you are not sure that it is the right thing to do and the time when everything is great and going well. A self love tarot spread can indeed serve as one of these tools while trying to unravel the mess that is self acceptance and self sympathy.

So it is high time to fill it with self-love not as an extra or a whim, but as a need. Thus, by having a healthy inner self, you are capable of enhancing the quality of your life, making it more genuine and, therefore, worth living.

How to Perform a Self Love Tarot Spread

Okay, let’s get serious and teach you how you can actually do a love tarot reading on yourself using a self love tarot spread.

First of all, it is necessary to establish calm all around, no disturbance. Ensure you choose a quiet environment that nobody is likely to come and disturb you. Prepare for the moment in any way that you find useful; this may mean lighting a candle, playing some music that will help to calm you down, etc.

Next, set your intention. Try to concentrate on your personal motivation to learn how to develop self-love and gain better comprehension of one’s relationships with oneself. Maintain this intention while mixing your tarot deck with your hands.

Make the spread. This is a basic love tarot layout that can be used even if this is the first time you will be practicing tarot reading.

  • Card 1: Self-Worth. Put this card in the middle. This is a card of awareness and it signifies your current belief system as to how you feel about your self-worth.
  • Card 2: Inner Strength. Place this card above the first card. This card concerns your personal strengths and resources to focus on when loving your own self.
  • Card 3: Challenges. Place this card to the left of the first card. This card may reveal any rivals, either within the person or outside, that can be standing in the way of self-love.
  • Card 4: Emotional Healing. Place this card to the right of the first card. This card provides information on how to begin the process of recovery of emotional injuries, and learning to be kind to oneself.
  • Card 5: Embracing Flaws. Place this card below the first card. This card calls you to accept your imperfections and notice your unique beauty.

After you have positioned your cards, stop and look at them. Can you find anything that is drawing your eyes either in terms of pictures, signs, or colors? Then, start decoding the meaning of each card in view of the position of the card in the spread. Just bear in mind that everything you are going to answer, there are actually no wrong answers. Take things easy and let your inner voice follow the direction the cards are taking you. The only thing which is needed is an open mind and an open heart to embrace what comes with your reading.

Tips for Deepening Your Self-Love Practice

Okay so now that you have done your self love tarot spread, it is time that I tell you how you can incorporate these insights in your everyday life and how you can make your self-love journey even more profound.

Journaling. Take any colored notebook and a pen of your preference. Analyze each drawn card either in the tarot spread by writing down what comes to your mind or what you feel deep within you at this point. Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What does the Self-Worth card reveal about how I currently view myself?
  • How can I tap into my Inner Strength more often?
  • What steps can I take to overcome the Challenges identified in the spread?
  • How can I prioritize Emotional Healing in my life?
  • What does it mean to truly Embrace my Flaws?

Affirmations. The messages in the cards should be formulated into positive affirmations. Say them over and over again and make it your daily mantra to increase your self love. For instance, if under the Self Worth major arcana the drawn card may be the Queen of Pentacles, then a sample affirmation could be, I am worthy of love and to be prosperous.

Self-Care Rituals. Devise a personal self care routine using the reading you have done. If the card associated with the Emotional Healing system advises going outdoors, make a picnic in the park or go for a walk. If the Inner Strength card is the creative type of card, then spend the day at the most engaged in painting, writing, or playing musical instruments.

Tarot Meditation. Select a tarot card for self love and contemplate on its content and on what the symbols signify. Think about how it feels to reflect the characteristics associated with the card.

Repeat Readings. It is recommended to revisit your self love tarot spread or work on other tarot spreads for self as you go through the process of self-love. Every time, both the paradigms might be opened to different insights and visions.

Just to repeat, self-care is a lifelong process. Do not get discouraged easily, try to build confidence in yourself as well as your progress, and if the problem persists it is always wiser to turn to a family or friends and/ or experts for help.


What is a self love tarot spread?

A self love tarot spread is a specific layout of tarot cards designed to help you reflect on and nurture your self-love and self-care practices.

How can I perform a self love tarot reading?

To do a self love tarot reading, choose a quiet space, set an intention, shuffle your deck, and lay out the cards in a self care tarot spread designed to explore your relationship with yourself.

Can I use any tarot cards for self love?

Yes, any tarot card can be used in a self love tarot spread. Focus on the cards’ messages as they relate to your personal self-worth and emotional healing.

Are there any simple love tarot spreads for beginners?

Absolutely! An easy love tarot spread can be just as powerful. You can use a simple love tarot spread with fewer cards to start, focusing on core aspects like self-acceptance and personal growth.

How often should I do a self love tarot spread?

You can perform a self tarot spread as often as you feel the need for self-reflection and care. Some people do it weekly, while others might use it during challenging times.

What should I focus on when interpreting a self love tarot spread?

When interpreting a tarot spread for self, focus on how each card’s message relates to your self-esteem, emotional healing, and overall well-being. The goal is to gain insights that support your self-love journey.

Can I do a love tarot reading for myself?

Yes, you can absolutely learn how to do a love tarot reading on yourself. By focusing on your needs and desires, you can use a self love tarot spread to gain clarity and strengthen your relationship with yourself.

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