Stay or Go Tarot Spread

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Have you ever experienced an important decision making moment where you are not sure whether to jump “with both feet” or remain wary? That is why the stay or go Tarot spread comes in handy! No matter if it is a relationship or a job or any other major life dilemma, this spread can be of great help.

Just to recap, the purpose of the decision-making process is not to arrive at a definitive answer — yes or no, black-and-white thinking can never be good. But, instead, it is to get some perspective on your particular case. It’s like a torch illuminating the way forward, thereby enabling you to perceive things in an entirely different manner.

What is a Stay or Go Tarot Spread?

So you may well be wondering: What does stay or go tarot even mean?

Essentially, it’s a specific layout of tarot cards designed to help you explore the potential outcomes of two paths: a choice that is made whether to remain where you are or to change course in some manner. Every position on the card describes aspects of the scenario with respect to the advantages and disadvantages of each decision.

In other words, it helps to have periodic talk therapy sessions with your own best informatics advisor. No, they will not prescribe to you what you should do but believe me they will assist you in making up your mind. The stay or go tarot spread helps answer questions like:

  • What are the potential benefits of staying?
  • What are the potential drawbacks of staying?
  • What opportunities might I gain by going?
  • What challenges might I face if I go?
  • What are my underlying fears and hopes related to this decision?

It is an effective way of approaching your arguments and making a right decision based on them.

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How to Perform a Stay or Go Tarot Spread

Alright, let’s dive deeper into how to perform a stay or go tarot spread. As mentioned, it’s a simple five-card spread, but the insights it can reveal are incredibly valuable.

Once you’ve shuffled your cards and focused on your question, lay them out like this:

  • Card 1: The Current Situation. This card represents the core of your dilemma, providing insight into the current energy surrounding your situation.
  • Card 2: What happens if I stay? This card reveals the potential outcomes and experiences you might encounter if you choose to stay in your current situation.
  • Card 3: What happens if I go? This card illuminates the potential path and experiences that await if you choose to move on or make a change.
  • Card 4: What’s holding me back? This card identifies any internal or external factors that may be preventing you from making a decision or taking action.
  • Card 5: Advice for your decision. This card offers guidance and wisdom to help you navigate your decision-making process.

When interpreting the cards, consider both the traditional meanings of the cards and your own intuitive impressions.

  • Look for recurring themes or symbols across the cards.
  • Pay attention to the emotions each card evokes in you.
  • Notice any connections or contrasts between the cards.

Don’t be afraid to ask yourself deeper questions about the cards and how they relate to your situation. The more you engage with the spread, the more meaningful the insights will be.

Remember, the stay or go tarot spread is a tool for self-reflection and empowerment. It’s about gaining clarity and making choices that align with your highest good. Trust your intuition, embrace the wisdom of the cards, and step confidently into your future!

Interpreting the Results: Stay or Go?

Now comes the exciting part: decoding the outcome of your stay or go tarot layout. Recall that the cards do not tell you the future but help you gain some insight and/or a different point of view on something. So, let’s consider how to understand them!

Firstly, try to find out the energy that is being circulated in the spread. Is there an indication of many Major Arcana cards pointing to vast alteration? Is it the Minor Arcana speaking pointing more to a situation that is mundane?

Finally, one must look at the cards separately but also in combination with the rest of the cards. For instance, The Tower in the “What happens if I stay?” position can imply that there will be a storm if one does not change something. The Lovers in the “What happens if I go?” position might point to a choice made out of love and understanding.

  • Stay: The Four of Pentacles may signify creation and structure in your area of life while The Devil may imply feeling confined or imprisoned.
  • Go: The Chariot can represent a desire for action and change while The Hermit might mean a person needs to take time to think.
  • Advice: The High Priestess is a card of intuition and The Wheel of Fortune is a sign of change.

However, the most important thing that one must do is to follow their instinct. So, if there is a card, which appeals to you in a certain way or in a manner different from the one described above, use it, please. This is YOUR reading, and these are YOUR cards that you have drawn, and the messages are intended for YOU and only YOU.

So, inhale deeply, listen to your inner voice, and let the tarot enlighten your journey. Finally, let us state that no matter the decision you are to take, bear in mind, you are the master of your own future.

When to Use the Stay or Go Tarot Spread

It is the right time to discuss when you can use the stay or go tarot spread. In fact, this spread can be helpful each time you feel that you are torn between two choices.

It is particularly useful when a decision that has to be made triggers feelings or emotions or when the consequences of the decision are serious.

  • Relationship troubles: Do you need help deciding whether to try to make things work with your significant other or to break up? The stay or go tarot spread therefore can assist in balancing between the possibilities and happiness that comes with a particular location against the struggles and suffering.
  • Career crossroads: Satisfied with your current position but not completely happy with the job you are doing? This spread can enlighten you on possibilities that may be encountered upon being in the place and if it is wise to leave or not in your career choice.
  • Relocation dilemma: Are you in a dilemma of whether to relocate to another city or to continue living in the same city? The cards can also be useful in determining the possible advantages and disadvantages of each option in the perspective of self-fulfillment, money, and welfare. 

Keep in mind that something that will be right today may not be right tomorrow. If the situation changes, do not be afraid to go back to the stay or go tarot spread. 


What is a stay or go tarot spread?

A stay or go tarot spread is a specific tarot card layout designed to provide insights into the potential outcomes of staying in a situation versus leaving it.

When should I use a stay or go tarot spread?

It’s ideal when you’re facing a tough decision and feeling torn between two options, especially in matters of relationships, career, or major life changes.

Can a stay or go tarot spread give me a definite answer?

Not exactly. It offers guidance and clarity, highlighting the potential pros and cons of each path, but the final decision rests with you.

How many cards are in a stay or go tarot spread?

Typically, a stay or go tarot spread uses five cards, each representing a different aspect of the situation.

Can I use a stay or go tarot spread for any type of decision?

While it’s most commonly used for major life choices, you can adapt it to any situation where you’re feeling unsure about whether to stay or go.

How often can I use a stay or go tarot spread for the same situation?

It’s best to give it some time between readings on the same issue, allowing circumstances to shift and new insights to emerge.

Do I need to be an experienced tarot reader to use a stay or go tarot spread?

Not at all! Even beginners can benefit from this spread, as long as they’re open to the guidance and messages the cards offer.

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