Summer Solstice Tarot Spread

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As the days go on and the sun comes in laden with its brightest light on this solstice, that can mark a rebirth in your spiritual journey. If you decide to celebrate the Litha (or the summer solstice), do not miss this simple yet powerful summer tarot spread. It will guide you to find your inner light and set your goals for the summertime.

The summer solstice tarot spread is an ideal way to engage in reflection and afterwards set personal intentions. They can provide clarity regarding the goals you have, let go of the things holding you back, and welcoming what the season has to offer. So gather your preferred deck, find a comfortable and quiet area where you can enjoy the sunshine since it is a solstice, and let us begin the solstice tarot spread.

Summer Solstice & Tarot

Well, what is the summer solstice? In a nutshell, it is the solstice, a day that relates to the northern part specifically as the beginning of summer. In astronomical terms, this is the period of the year when the earth is tilted towards the sun in the max, meaning that the max numbers of hours are flooded with glorious sunlight.

Although astronomical, the summer solstice is much more: it can be viewed as a peak of power, which has been widely observed since ages. It is the time of plenty, happiness, and new life when it is believed that the gap between the two worlds is smaller. It is considered as a time for manifestation where people set their intentions for the upcoming months, and also use the energy of the sunny days to work on personal changes.

Well, why would you use the summer solstice tarot spread at that? Well, think of it like this: the fight of solstice is a period of greatest energy, time of the year when the sun reaches the point of its maximum strength. A summer solstice tarot spread, also known as Litha tarot spread, helps to connect with that energy and understand more about yourself.

It is so helpful, like a map that points directly to the themes of summer. Thus, the use of a summer solstice tarot spread is useful to define concrete goals that will be useful for the subsequent months. And also shed the light on what you want to build. It can also give you information about those aspects in which you could be limiting yourself and push you to let go of the past and to fulfill your whole potential.

Thus, it is time to employ what might be called the summer solstice tarot to make this summer as bright and purposeful as it can be!

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21 Mar – 19 Apr
20 Apr – 20 May
21 May – 20 Jun
21 Jun – 22 Jul
23 Jul – 22 Aug
23 Aug – 22 Sep
21 Sep – 22 Oct
23 Oct – 21 Nov
22 Nov – 21 Dec
22 Dec – 19 Jan
20 Jan – 18 Feb
19 Feb – 20 Mar

How To Perform The Summer Solstice Tarot Spread

Alright, it is time to go deeper into the explanation of the summer solstice tarot spread and describe the main aspects of the spread and how to read it. This particular set-up of 5 cards is intended to create a dialogue between you and the messages that intuition holds.

All the five cards of this spread work as markers of your summer path, teaching you different aspects of it.

  1. The Sun’s Blessing. This card establishes the general vibration of your readings and in turn your summer. It also uncover the controlling force or the essence on which you live, and the ways through which your life will be defined. Focus on the symbols and pictures in this card because they carry important messages concerning the prospects.
  2. What to Cultivate. Summer does signify the growth season and with this card, it is high time to decide what in life requires to be grown. It might hint at a certain particular project, certain particular people or characteristics which is good and requires one to devote time into it. In relation to this, it is important to ponder on how one can put the right environment that causes this aspect of life to grow.
  3. What to Release. Like the snake shedding its skin to make room for fresh skin, this card helps you pinpoint the things you need to release. Perhaps, it can be a restricting thought or a previous pain, or even an action that was useful in the past but it is ineffective now. Recognize, characterize, and thank that which you are ready to leave behind, and allow for new potential to enter your life.
  4. Where to Shine. This card shows your skills and the area where you should be able to make the best this summer. It is a simple and beautiful affirmation of one’s skills and capabilities, prompting one to embrace and reveal the essence of who one is. Think about where, when and how the possibilities and personal freedom can be given full scope.
  5. Summer’s Harvest. This last card is more hopeful and shows you possible ending scenarios. It points to what one is likely to harvest if one dials into youself and listens to the inner voice. It could expose the outcomes of your work, it might reveal what you have gained or what you have lost.

Cards Interpretation

Okay, before we spell out how the cards could appear in the summer solstice tarot spread, let us give you some samples. Of course they are a collection of suggestions – the real power is in the beauty of the soul’s connection with the cards!

The Sun’s Blessing

  • The Sun. Full of positivity! Prepare for happiness, self assurance and achievement. You are full of energy and warm feelings toward life and others.
  • The Empress. Means abundance. This summer is all about the overlaying of your goddess and inner diva, harmony, and appreciation.

What to Cultivate

  • Ace of Pentacles. This is a good time to start a new venture or put your money in something that has long term fixed returns. It is a question which is a proposal for sowing seeds for a better future.
  • The Lovers. You have to learn how to manage and develop your contacts! Value should be given on establishing relationships and fostering positive relationships.

What to Release

  • Eight of Cups. Sometimes, divorce is the best thing to do when you are not happy. Relationships should not be something that makes one feel bored. Do not hold on to the things that are no longer beneficial to you and let better opportunities come in.
  • The Tower. Something out of the blue is possible to happen soon. In order to move forward and make progress, change is inevitable. Burn it down to the ground and then rise from the ashes and turn it into a brand new world.

Where to Shine

  • The Star. Your creativity and intuition are on high – listen to the inside voice. Sometimes even one verse that we write can help change a life; 
  • Queen of Wands. You really know good leadership and you are able to motivate others. Step into your confidence and take charge! Your passion and enthusiasm are contagious.

Summer’s Harvest

  • The World. This is your last one, so the feeling of completion, the suiting of desires, the coming of contentment is yours. It is time now to congratulate you and welcome the new status.
  • Ten of Cups. Joy and the feeling of the heart are on the way. Enjoy with friends and families, and cherish little things in life.

Of course, the above mentioned are just some plausible scenarios that can come into your mind. Every card has their own messages, as to how it may relate to you may vary depending on your path.

Practical Tips for Your Summer Solstice Tarot Reading

Now since the summer solstice tarot spread is something that you are aware of, let us become a bit productive! Here are a few tips that help to make your reading even more enjoyable and to make this tool even more helpful for you. Take your cues from the cards and get ready to party: the sun is at its peak, people!

  • Explore the Outdoors. If you like, feel free to engage your practice of tarot in the open – weather permitting. Locate a quiet place, a field, or a beach with a warm sun where you can give yourself energy from the earth. A gentle breeze, rustling of the leaves and the soothing sound of birds chirping can accompany you when reading and improve your experience.
  • Meditate on the Sun. Before you start the reading, take 3-5 minutes of your time to focus on the sun. See and feel the golden extended arm permeating and warming you up with its light. This will assist you to achieve mixing with the strong force of summer solstice.
  • Set Your Intention. When you are ready to perform the spread, pause to consider the goal of your reading session. So, what expectations do you have from it? What is your specific please or concern? It makes you more productive as it guides your mind and your reading in the right direction
  • Connect with Your Cards. When dealing these cards, do not think much, listen to the inner voice within you. Be mindful of any techniques; thoughts, feelings, images that occur to you. This is your subconscious talking to you, therefore, do not question your intuition and go with the chosen cards.
  • Revisit and Reassess. Summer solstice tarot spread is not a one-time only occasion. Cards should be reviewed at the beginning and end of the season and also in between in order to reflect on the situation and gain new perspectives. It will leave you shocked on how the messages of the cards will happen and evolve from time to time.


What is a Summer Solstice Tarot Spread?

A Summer Solstice Tarot Spread is a special tarot card layout used around the summer solstice to gain insights into personal growth, abundance, and intentions for the rest of the year.

How is a Summer Solstice Tarot Spread different from other tarot spreads?

It’s themed around the energy of the summer solstice, a time of celebration, outward energy, and harnessing the sun’s power.

Can I use any tarot deck for a Summer Solstice Tarot Spread?

Yes, you can use any tarot deck you prefer. Some people enjoy using a Litha Tarot Spread specifically designed for the summer solstice.

Do I have to do a Summer Solstice Tarot Spread on the exact day of the solstice?

No, you can do a Summer Tarot Spread anytime during the summer season to connect with its themes.

What kind of questions can a Solstice Tarot Spread help me answer?

It can help with questions about current goals, what to celebrate, areas for growth, and intentions to set for the coming months.

Is there a specific number of cards I need to use for a Summer Solstice Tarot reading?

The number of cards varies depending on the specific spread you choose.

Can I create my own Summer Solstice Tarot Spread?

Absolutely! You can tailor a spread to your specific intentions and questions for the season.

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