Zodiac Tarot Spread
Zodiac signs and tarot readings: ever pondered how are the two correlated? Today we are going to discuss zodiac tarot spread which is a nice way to combine astrology and tarot for enhanced reading.
These spreads use the 12 zodiac signs and are a fun twist to add in to your readings. For first-timers or even for veterans in tarot reading, incorporating astrology to one’s practice will just add more substance to the whole aspect.
From here we will consider how the 12 zodiac signs correspond to the tarot cards of the Major Arcana. This assists in giving you customized readings to your exclusive content. I will discuss 12-card spread by the 12 astrological houses, and how to select the right spread for your questions.
So pull out your deck, and let the adventure of where stars and cards begin. Fasten your seat belt to know more about you and the future awaiting you.
What is a Zodiac Tarot Spread?
Alright, let’s get into it: what exactly is a Zodiac Tarot Spread? Basically, it’s a special kind of tarot reading that brings together the wisdom of both tarot and astrology. You draw cards that match up with each of the 12 zodiac signs. Each sign represents different parts of your life, like your personality, relationships, career, and more.
Think of it like this: the zodiac signs act as a map for reading, guiding you through different areas of your life. The tarot cards you draw for each sign give you detailed insights into those areas.
So, if you’re into astrology and tarot, a zodiac tarot spread is like a match made in heaven. It helps you see the big picture and how different parts of your life connect. You can do a 12-card spread to cover all the signs or focus on specific areas with smaller spreads.
Whether you call it a zodiac spread tarot, horoscope tarot spread, astrological tarot spread, or astrology tarot spread, the idea is the same: it’s all about combining the power of the stars and the cards for a deeper, more personalized zodiac tarot reading.
Want a real tarot reading? Select your star sign!
How to Perform a Zodiac Tarot Spread
Okay, let’s get down to the fun part: how to actually do a Zodiac Tarot Spread. Don’t worry, it’s pretty straightforward, even if you’re new to tarot.
Step 1: Set the Mood
Find a quiet spot where you won’t be interrupted. Light some candles, play some calming music – whatever helps you relax and focus.
Step 2: Set Your Intention
Think about what you want to get out of this reading. Are you looking for overall guidance or focusing on a specific area of your life?
Step 3: Shuffle and Connect
Shuffle your tarot deck while keeping your intention in mind. You can shuffle any way you like, just make sure you feel connected to the cards.
Step 4: Lay Out the Zodiac
Now, imagine a circle in front of you, representing the zodiac wheel. Starting with Aries at the top, mentally assign each zodiac sign to a spot on the circle, moving clockwise.
Step 5: Draw Your Cards
For a 12 card tarot spread, draw one card for each zodiac sign and place it face down on its corresponding spot. If you’re focusing on specific areas, you can do a smaller spread and only draw cards for the relevant signs.
Step 6: Turn and Interpret
Starting with Aries, turn over each card and see what it reveals about that area of your life. Consider both the card’s traditional meaning and how it relates to the zodiac sign.
Remember: There’s no right or wrong way to do a zodiac tarot spread. You can adjust the steps to fit your style and preferences. The most important thing is to be open and receptive to the messages the cards have for you.
Bonus Tip: If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, try focusing on just one or two areas of your life at a time. You can always come back and do a full 12 houses tarot spread later.
Interpreting the Cards for Each Zodiac Sign
Okay, let us explain in detail how the cards can be interpreted with reference to each zodiac sign. Just a reminder, the beauty of zodiac tarot spread is that it is specific to you and about you. Leverage your guts, pair the meaning of the cards with each sign and they will give you a profound understanding of the journeys of your life.
- ♈ Aries (Fire): Aries as a sign stands for new start, activity, and initiative as it is the first zodiac sign, indeed. An archetype of the card like the Emperor in this position could mean taking as a personal guide and conquering. On the other hand, the Five of Wands could signify some hurdles that have to be passed through in the course of achieving your goal.
- ♉ Taurus (Earth): Practical and earth-oriented, Taurus is also associated with the earth and materials, luxury, and indulging itself. For the Hierophant in this position, he might advise the respondent to stick to tradition or run to his trusted priest. However, if the Four of Pentacles appears, it may be high time to let go of material things or money.
- ♊ Gemini (Air): Gemini, curious and expressive, has vast passions and an endless flow of ideas as well as an honest openness and flexibility. Lovers in this position can mean that the person is torn between a career or two decisions or that the person needs to choose a middle ground with a significant other. The Eight of Swords, however, may bring feelings of confinement or restriction from your own ideas.
- ♋ Cancer (Water): Positive aspects: caring, protective, sensitive, feminine/paternal, domestic, emotional. Such an aspect may be associated with the Queen of Cups in tarot, particularly when she occupies the position on reserve. But, as for the Ten of Swords, it may mean a painful conclusion or the necessity of letting go.
- ♌ Leo (Fire): Brave and original, Leo has been linked to authority, artistry, and performance. It may represent your abilities to overcome all challenges in this position for the Strength card. The Seven of Cups, on the other hand, can be considered as negative in the sense that it points to such things as deceit and delusions.
- ♍ Virgo (Earth): Virgo is the sign of service and detail-oriented people, and is known as being the most practical and analytical of all the zodiac signs. Six of Pentacles in this position could also mean giving or receiving assistance from others. The Nine of Swords can mean a sense of concern, a feeling of worry.
- ♎ Libra (Air): Amicable and diplomatic Libra is all about partnership, symmetry, and aesthetics. The Two of Cups in this position could also mean there will be calm, a friendship, or a new companionship. The Three of Swords, however, will indicate problems with the heart or the necessity to cope with the pain.
- ♏ Scorpio (Water): Passionate and powerful, Scorpio embodies deep feelings and libido. The Tower card in this position might indicate a shift or the shake-up that is needed to break down established things. The Ace of Cups may represent new love or emotional healing, however.
- ♐ Sagittarius (Fire): Sagittarius can be characterized as a spontaneous and hopeful sign, connected with liberty, displacement, and growth. The Wheel of Fortune could symbolize luck in this position, and therefore it is likely to depict a change in the kind of luck one enjoys. While the Four of Cups may reflect apathy or disinterest in any activity that is going on.
- ♑ Capricorn (Earth): Reserved and hardworking, Capricorn is related to work, duty, and achievement of goals in one’s lifetime. The World reversed in this place may represent achievement and attainment. The Five of Pentacles may portray difficulties in the financial aspect or indeed, the feeling of being ‘left out’.
- ♒ Aquarius (Air): Being the last sign of the water element, Aquarius is unconventional and rebellious; people of this sign are involved in social causes, organizations, and technology. In this position of the Star card, it may signify hope and inspiration with recovery. The Ten of Wands may indicate some form of stress or oppressiveness.
- ♓ Pisces (Water): Pisces – as a sign – is related to feelings, intuition, and such a sphere as spirit, dreams, and subconsciousness. Depending on the cards, the High Priestess in this position can mean to rely on your instinct and dive deeper into your psyche. The Eight of Cups may mean that the person must distance themselves from something or someone.
If you call it a horoscope tarot spread, astrological tarot spread, or astrology tarot spread, remember, the key is to synthesize the card’s traditional meaning with the qualities of the corresponding zodiac sign. With practice and an open mind, you’ll be able to gain deep and meaningful insights into your life and personal journey through the powerful combination of tarot and astrology.
Zodiac Tarot Spread for Personal Growth
Well, here’s how you can speak about the opportunity to transform your life with a zodiac tarot spread. It is as if there is a mirror in the universe telling you your strong suits, weaknesses, and undeveloped potentials as per the zodiac signs.
Think of it this way: your zodiac sign is your map of soul, it shows what gifts and qualities you were given in birth right. When you compound this with the divination techniques of Tarot, you have an excellent way of getting to know yourself. On the cards, it is possible to identify whether one is doing well or that it may require extra effort and it can also give insights on possibilities that one may not have thought of before.
For instance, let me assume that you are an Aries—a fiery sign par excellence. For instance, pulling the Strength card may affirm the presence of courage and leadership abilities, while the Four of Swords may indicate that you need rest and a break.
Or, maybe you are a romantic Pisces? High Priestess should inspire you to rely on your intuition, whereas Eight of Cups advice to leave your feelings in the past.
If you employ a full 12-card layout or choose certain areas by laying out fewer cards, the zodiac tarot reading may help you accept your strengths, deal with the difficulties, and proceed to your chosen way of life.
What is a Zodiac Tarot Spread?
A Zodiac Tarot Spread is a type of tarot reading that combines the insights of astrology and tarot. It uses the 12 zodiac signs as a framework to explore different areas of your life, with each sign corresponding to a specific card in the spread.
How is a Zodiac Tarot Spread different from a regular tarot reading?
While a regular tarot reading can offer general guidance, a Zodiac Tarot Spread provides a more personalized and in-depth look at your life by incorporating your astrological influences.
Do I need to know a lot about astrology to use a Zodiac Tarot Spread?
Not necessarily. While some basic knowledge of astrology can enhance your understanding, the focus is primarily on the tarot card interpretations within the context of each zodiac sign’s general traits.
Can I use a Zodiac Tarot Spread for specific questions, or is it only for general readings?
You can definitely use a Zodiac Tarot Spread for specific questions! Simply focus on the zodiac signs and corresponding cards that relate to the area of your life you’re inquiring about.
Is there a specific number of cards used in a Zodiac Tarot Spread?
The most common Zodiac Tarot Spread uses 12 cards, one for each zodiac sign. However, you can also use smaller spreads focusing on specific areas or questions.
Can I do a Zodiac Tarot Spread for someone else, or is it only for personal readings?
Absolutely! You can perform a Zodiac Tarot Spread for anyone, as long as you know their zodiac sign. It’s a great way to offer personalized insights and guidance to friends and loved ones.
Learn More About Tarot
Love Tarot Readings: Discover what’s in store for your love life with insightful readings aimed at romance and relationships.
Cartomancy Readings Online: Explore traditional card reading techniques online to reveal your future and fortune.
Career Tarot: Seek clarity and direction in your professional life with a tarot reading focused on career decisions.
Angel Card Readings: Receive comforting guidance and messages from the angelic realm to illuminate your path.
7 Card Tarot: Gain a deeper understanding of your current challenges and future directions with a seven-card spread.
10 Tarot Card Reading: Uncover comprehensive insights into your life’s most pressing questions and future possibilities.